A new service I am now offering is to have all or any part of your records returned to you in electronic format. No longer will you have to store boxes of paperwork. Ask me about this service, if this is something that you like.
Author: admin
Canada Pension Plan changes for individuals aged 60 to 70: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/nwsrm/txtps/2011/tt111212-eng.html?utm_source=mediaroom&utm_medium=eml Right now is the time to review your stockportfolio. If you have capital gains during this or the last 3 years, identify the write-offs in your portfolio to take advantage of the capital losses for 2011, or for a loss carryback.
25th anniversary of the accounting practice of Bert Mulder CGA
This month marks the 25th anniversary of the accounting practice of Bert Mulder CGA. Bert Mulder CGA started operations at 375 Village Terrace on November 15, 1987.
I am pleased to announce that Bert Mulder CGA is sponsoring the Sherwood Park Music Festival, this year from April 16 through April 20, 2012.
Bert Mulder CGA is sponsoring the Lacombe Winter Cup and Festival this Saturday, February 25, 2012:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lacombe-Winter-Cup-Festival/174584855976075 Also, please find many items that may be of interest on my facebook page. To follow me on facebook, click on the facebook link on the bottom of this page.
US citizens and greencard holders
US citizens need to file US tax returns based on citizenship. Also, green card holders are obliged to file annual returns. In addition, they need to report what non-US accounts they have, if their total holdings exceed $10,000. Read more about this here: Uncle Sam wants YOU
2012 Canada Pension Plan changes
There is a significant change in the Canada Pension plan effective January 1, 2012, where pensioners may be required to pay into the Canada Pension Plan, unless they op out. For more information, please call us or go to: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/pyrll/clcltng/cpp-rpc/cppchng-eng.html